METS Qatar Exhibition – February 2015

InIPED together with the University of Zaragoza will be present at the METS Qatar Exhibition at booth #529.
The Turbomachinery Laboratory at Texas A&M University organizes this event with support from Qatar Petroleum, the host and titanium sponsor. The symposium’s other sponsors include: ExxonMobil Qatar, RasGas Company Ltd. and Qatargas Operating Company Ltd. as major sponsors, General Electric, Qapco, Elliot Group and Lufkin as miscellaneous sponsors.

The major focus is to promote the online Rotating Machinery Master conducted by the University of Zaragoza, click here for more course information. The Master course is already available for a number of years and has excellent feedback of the students.

Experience, experience and experience. These are three of the many key elements that this course brings to the students. The Instructors are from the industry as well as from the university. The course uses the problem based learning concept with combined detail- and theoretical background information to fully understand the technical subject.

Visit the InIPED and University of Zaragoza booth #529 at the METS Qatar Exhibition. We will be happy to provide you with more information.
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