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Plant Engineering Workshop 2020

Engaging technical presentations, insightful discussion groups and a vibrant exhibition area to enjoy networking.

19-23 October, 2020



Benefits of 3D-Printing and Laser-Scanning

3D printing increases efficiency and reduces waste, making it a valuable tool in efforts to make manufacturing more sustainable. Its applications range from medical devices to aerospace — and possibly even drinking water. General Electric uses 3D printed turbines in a process that could make desalinated seawater 20 percent less costly to produce. The environmental and economic benefits of 3D printing have the potential to transform traditional manufacturing through cost reductions, energy saving and reduced CO2 emissions. 3D Systems, which produces 3D printers and print necessary amount of material required for each part with near zero waste in an energy efficient process. 3D printing allows manufactures to make structures using lighter materials that aren’t possible to make using traditional methods and simplifies the supply chain and logistics. But is it any good for Plant Design? What about Laser Scanning? 3D laser scanning 3D modelling services are very useful for maritime, offshore, construction and oil and gas industries. Every scan measures millions of discrete points and each point allocated its precise position in space within three dimensional Point Cloud created that can be navigated, drafted, and modelled in popular CAD and other applications. The possibilities are endless from the Site Surveys, Damage Investigation to the Conversion Plans, Reverse Engineering, Conceptual Designs and Detailed Engineering. Trained professionals specializing in 3D Scanning can reach sub-millimetre accuracy. A number of 3D Scans are combined in a Point Cloud and represent the exact geometrical detail of the surrounding objects. From a Point Cloud the designers develop a model of the Machinery, Plant, Piping, Structure, Equipment for the Concept Design, Basic, Detailed and As-Built Engineering. What about if we combine both 3D Laser Scanning and 3D printing? Is this possible and ideal for Plant Design Engineering? Discover this more. Follow us in our voyage to the world of Plant Design in our PEW2020.

Comparison of pipe design according to ASME and EN codes

The EN13480 and ASME B31 codes are frequently used for the design piping systems. The rules of these codes are often applied using automated software packages, and the engineer may lose sight of the calculation being performed on the background. In any case, are there significant differences between the fundamental equations and principles in the design rules? How is the allowable design stress calculated? Why should certain load cases be analyzed? Are the material equivalent? Before switching between design codes, the similarities and differences need to evaluated in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Compressor sealing solutions for enhancing reliability of compressor operation

Increasing the operation reliability of centrifugal compressors is one of the main topics End Users is looking at. EagleBurgmann describes in this session the several solutions how to achieve this target with regards to compressor shaft end sealing solutions. It will focus on solutions to prevent contamination of Dry Gas Seal from compressor bearing brackets, seal gas supply as well as contamination from process itself.

Disruptive Technologies in Industrial Applications

General overview into the disruptive technologies used on 3M, particularly into the Grinding Wheel Manufacturing Industry, very oriented to Primary Metals Manufacturing, Bearing Manufacturing and Carbide Tool Industry.

Energy Efficiency in Chemical Industry

With a worldwide usage of 100 million terajoules annually to overcome friction, it is fair to say that friction is the worst enemy of efficiency. As proven by the automotive industry, it is nowadays possible to achieve incredible efficiency by using smaller engines without even sacrificing performance. Of course, that is mainly due to numerous technology advancements over years in car engineering but the engine oil has also its part of responsibility in today’s cars performance and efficiency.These days, because of the extreme requirements in place in the automotive industry to lower emissions, most of the cars are released form the factory with full synthetic and lower viscosity engine oils in order to maximize their efficiency and power. In an era where mineral oil became obsolete for automotive industry…what about industrial applications? Despite being the largest consumer of both energy and fossil fuels, the chemical industry is constantly seeking for new innovative solutions to improve their operations and reduce their impact on the environment. That being said, the Chemical Industry might be the perfect candidate among all industrial sectors to prove that specialty lubricants and meticulous monitoring can show a considerable improvement in efficiency in its regular operations.

Expert Know-how with Hydrogen Compressors

The specific know-how of both lubricated and non-lubricated reciprocating hydrogen compression is explained. The challenges occur with hydrogen compression and lubricated and non-lubricated compression are described and solutions are presented. The technical options of non-lubricated compression for high pressure hydrogen filling stations are given. These are diaphragm compressors or hydraulically driven piston compressors.

Flange calculations according to EN 1591-1

Most current flange calculations are based on the Taylor Forge method. This method primarily considers the allowable stresses in the flanges and bolts. The gasket loading is checked with a limited amount of parameters. This Taylor Forge approach does not treat all load conditions to determine the optimum required gasket compression stress. The seminar will discuss the EN 1591-1 calculation method. This calculation allows the evaluation of different load cases, the allowable stresses in the flange assembly components and gives an indication of the leak tightness.

Functional safety analysis methodology for industrial plants

“Functional safety is the part of the overall safety of a system or piece of equipment that depends on automatic protection operating correctly in response to its inputs or failure in a predictable manner (fail-safe)”. Being related to the architecture of the industrial plant and to the required safety function, different approaches can be adopted to define and later assess the safety instrumented system. The definition of the safety requirements is determined by methods such as HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability) and/or LOPA (Layers Of Protection Analsyis), as indicated by applicable standards (IEC 61508 and 61511). SIS design, construction, installation, and operation shall be duly assessed to verify that these requirements are met, through different approaches like FMEDA, factory and site acceptance tests for example. One of the key quantities to be assessed is the probability of failure on demand (PFDavg) and its verification is the core carried by reliability analysis. The classical approach based on the “Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis” will be briefly discussed to highlight its simplicity and how to implement it in a semi-automated workflow, eventually with in-house solution. However, even if the FMECA is an excellent hazard analysis and risk assessment tool, it has some shortcomings that shall be carefully considered. For example, it does not deeply consider combined failures or interactions, especially when the system cannot be easily reduced in a sequence of reliability block in series or parallel. Additional tools shall therefore be taken in account, an example is the reverse fault tree analysis, eventually in association with advanced mathematical tools like the Monte Carlo simulations through the Bayes Belief Network. The combination of fault tree analysis and Monte Carlo simulation shows its advantages over the FMECA since it is helpful not only in the final stage of reliability assessment but also in a design phase.

Fundamentals on valve selection

“Valves are the components in a fluid or pressure system which regulate either the flow or the pressure of the fluid”[1]: this description highlights the main role played by valve in a system. Beside other considerations, thus, the first point in the valve selection workflow is to define why we need a valve in our system, i.e. to control the pressure inside a vessel, to regulate the flowrate, eventually in a dynamic way, or only stop or allow the flow. While the latter function can be performed by practically all types of valve, pressure control and flow control require the use of engineered valves, to obtain tailored solution and avoid waste of energy, money, and unwanted consequences like erosion or vibrations. Once defined the valve function, the following points shall be duly considered: • How the valve will be operated, i.e. manually or with a dedicated operator (e.g. hydraulic electric actuator). • The leakage allowed, within the system and towards the environment. • Process fluid properties, e.g. type of fluid (clean, slurry), thermophysical process data (pressure, temperature), etc. • Boundary conditions, e.g. where the valve will be installed (environmental conditions) and how the valve will be connected to the pipeline / vessel. • Additional constraints like project specifications and applicable codes. Please note that all these points interact with each other and, virtually, they shall be considered simultaneously. Indeed, an iterative design approach can be used – a good starting point could be the latter since codes or specification already define the type of valves are allowed or, at least, limit the range of possibilities. Some examples of real applications will be carried out, especially considering specified design codes like API and ASME and different requirements like the flow coefficient and the minimum flow. Additionally, main issues like cavitation, erosion, chattering, and jamming will be briefly discussed.

GUI design and plant operational excellence

GUI (Graphic User Interface) design is not often considered as a factor to take into account when talking about Operational Excellence. When thinking about Operational Excellence, quickly come up to ours minds some concepts as energy consumption, efficiency, reprocessing, quality, residues, engineering, maintenance, optimization, technology, etc, not the GUI although it is the element that allows you to monitor and operate your plan, it is your window to the process. Just think a little on it and try to imagine yourself driving your car in a curvy road -like monitoring and operating your complex process -, with a dirty windshield – like working with cluttered operation graphics – and you suddenly need to stop and just then you realize that because an unexplainable reason, the brake pedal is not where you expected it – a very important value is not in the operation graphic where it is really useful. It is obvious then the relationship between GUI design and plant safety, but

Importance of Bourdon Effect. True and Effective Axial Force

Traditionally, the impact of the bourdon effect is not considered for steel piping systems as the effect is negligible. However, with an increase in pressure and pipe length, specifically for long pipeline systems this effect is considerable and must be used in the analysis to avoid pipe deformations, high stresses and buckling. At the same time for analyzing plastic piping systems like PE, HDPE, GRE, FRP, GRP systems, the bourdon effect must be considered.

Introduction to Acoustic Induced Vibration (AIV) and Flow Induced Vibration (FIV) in piping systems

The Acoustic Induced Vibrations (AIV) and Flow Induced Vibrations (FIV) analysis on piping systems is carried out by skilled professionals within engineering companies and these analysis are requested for the most important clients and engineering companies all around the world. The purpose of this seminar is to introduce the concepts of fatigue produced by vibrations and the analysis methods of study for AIV and FIV on piping systems and their corrective actions.

Introduction to InIPED online Masters and Diplomas

The International Institute of Plant Engineering and Design was established in 2011 with the aim of creating online courses about all the disciplines involved in the design and construction of industrial plants. InIPED organizes courses ranging from postgraduate courses (Master-Diplomas) one year/6 months long to short courses (a couple of months/several weeks). In this presentation we will do a short tour of the available courses.

Learning outcomes from development of an intelligent digital 3D model of a distillation unit for Guillermo Elder Bell Refinery in Bolivia

The purpose of this presentation is to show the work process that is follow, in order to obtain an intelligent 3D model as-buit of an industrial installation, using.3D laser scanner. A short explanation of LIDAR technology is included. This presentation gives also some learning outcomes from two executed project in a Refinery in Bolivia during the past 4 years

Mechanical Sealing Solutions for Vaporizing Fluids in Refinery Applications

Vaporizing fluids are present in different refinery and petrochemical applications, mainly called light hydrocarbons. In specific pump applications, the required vapor pressure margins in the mechanical seal cavity could not be provided. Looking into the sealing gap of a mechanical seal where frictional heat is generated, these fluids will start vaporization and reduce the required liquid-lubrication film between the seal faces. We will describe 2 typical sealing solutions to overcome this topic and present the state of the art sealing solutions using dual unpressurized seal arrangements (2CW-CS) in combination with Piping Plans 72 and 75/76.

Occasional Loads in Piping System

Occasional load is the load that occurs “sometimes” in the piping system during normal operation. There are several things that can cause occasional loads: Natural phenomena such as hurricanes and earthquakes will cause excitation force against the pipe that is dynamic. Snow, occur in the piping system located on the earth which experience winter. Occasional loads could be induced by fluid transient as water hammer, biphasic flow…

Pipe Stress Analysis vs. Pipe flexibility calculations: basic concepts, frequent mistakes and case studies

The increasing use of finite element software for the calculation of pipe flexibility has increased the calculation capacity and detail of these calculations, but at the same time, in general, the analytical capacity of Stress Engineers has decreased and dependence on computers has increased, compared to engineers who in the past did the analysis and calculations of flexibility and stress evaluation manually with the support of empirical equations. At the same time, new mistakes appear due to the lack of knowledge of the basic concepts of pipe flexibility. The purpose of this seminar is the recovering of old tools and to show basics concepts of pipe flexibility analysis, as well, to show frequent mistakes that occur when finite element analysis software is used without the required knowledge of this phenomenon, and without the use of empirical equations and rules, used to predict the behavior of Piping systems.

Piping flexibility analysis and piping design from a global project perspective. Problems and problem solving

The effectiveness that people or businesses create when combining their efforts between the two operations, bring about not only benefits in increased profitability, but also in safety and reliability of designs. In addressing root causes of piping design errors, with particular attention to an interlink between Piping Engineering/Design and Stress Analysis activities on a typical project, among the variety of factors also included are: rushed project schedules, and most of all that Piping Flexibility Analysis (or Stress Analysis in common terminology) is usually viewed only as a quality control function that slows down production. This characteristic understanding comes from the perspective of Reactive Engineering Methodologies. While ASME code is clear on the fact how Piping Flexibility Analysis is tied to Piping Design in terms of educational and related practical piping design requirements, the code is silent on the required level of experience, familiarity or understanding piping personnel, from piping designers to piping managers (non-stress personnel), should possess in regard to Piping Flexibility Analysis. Furthermore it is also a common fact, that those involved in Piping Flexibility Analysis, usually do not possess the necessary prerequisites required for understanding the consequential managerial issues, related to interactions between Piping Engineering/Design and Piping Flexibility Analysis. In the absence of such advice and to eliminate ill-informed interpretations of these apparent requirements, some form of additional training is required for: (1) raising understanding (piping flexibility analysis and management of piping engineering/design – stress analysis interactions), (2) increasing the level of awareness (relationships, mistake-consequence correlations), (3) preventing conflicts (who is right/wrong, eliminating potential for no man’s territory), (4) applying optimized organizational strategies, typical for Proactive Engineering, (5) making the best possible use of modern software tools for integrated engineering. The resulting consequential tradeoff would be that, “Piping Flexibility Analysis” (or “Stress Analysis” in common terminology) would become recognized as an integral part of a measurable engineering effort on projects, not just a quality control tool, thus opening the door for implementation of highly acclaimed Proactive Engineering Methodology. All this in return would also enable creation of safer designs within projects that are delivered on time and on budget.

Reduce unplanned downtime using digital solutions from Klüber

The oil & gas industry has witnessed its 3rd price collapse in 12 years. Oil companies are responding by cutting capital and operational expenditures, which will filter down to suppliers and oil service companies. Oil companies experience about 27 days of unplanned downtime which can amount up to $38 million in losses, which also includes failures due to improper maintenance of equipment. The downstream sector is no better. In US alone, refineries lose $6.6 billion due to unplanned downtime.To eliminate risks of unexpected equipment failures and maximize return on investments, Oil & Gas companies are looking for innovative and more efficient ways of maintaining their equipment. Klüber’s digital offering creates predictive models using data derived by analysing the sensors and establishing failure patterns. These patterns are then used to forecast equipment failure. Digital solutions from Klüber Lubrication are developed to help in reduce maintenance costs, improve asset reliability, enhance operational efficiency and as a result, reduce operating costs. In this Webinar you would learn how Klüber is transforming the world of lubrication through digitalization, helping you meet your goals.

Renewable Energies Integration in Oil and Gas

On a world scenario where transition from conventional (hydrocarbon based) to green energies is becoming urgent, the Oil and Gas industry will remain as base sector to cover other needs than energetic ones: plastic and fertilizers production, pharma and cosmetic base material, etc. This industry is a huge energy consumer, not only as electricity but as thermal: heat and cold production for a wide range of processes. The consideration of use of available green technologies can be implemented not only from the basic design for grass root facilities but for the upgrade of existing ones. This seminar will provide a brief overview of opportunities to make Oil and Gas greener while the search for alternatives concludes.

Roundtable: what skills are needed for 2020 fresh engineers?

If you have accumulated some years of working experience, you will have noticed that the skills that were useful when you were young are no longer valid in 2020. In this roundtable, we will be joined by the main players in the plant engineering business: engineering and petrochemical companies and recruiting agencies.

Scan to BIM for increased profit

The main objective of this seminar is to provide a guidelines to improve the workflow to obtain 2D/3D as-built models from the point clouds guaranteeing the accuracy in the shortest time. We will focus our attention in industrial facilities.

Setting up CAESAR II model to Realistic Site data

Slugging are events that can occur in a liquid-gas two-phase flow in which gas-phase exists as large bubbles separated by liquid slugs. The Slug flow is commonly encountered in well flow lines in the Oil & Gas Industry and can create considerable dynamic force due to a change of momentum. This can cause dangerous vibrations and fatigue failure of pipe and fittings. To prevent damage from excessive piping displacement due to slug, the piping system requires additional support. However, this can be a contradictory requirement for the displacement stress range. Consequently, the design of the piping system (pipe configuration and pipe support arrangement) is closely related to the slug force magnitude. To calculate the slug force slug velocity, density, etc are the most important input data. Since these parameters cannot be measured, it is the bottleneck to evaluate the system response without these inputs. This Case study is all about simulating the system response during slugging events based on only site measurements and by fine-tuning the key input in CAESAR II.

Several ASME B31 and EN 13480 Issues Needed to Know by Any Pipe Stress Engineer

ASME B31 and EN 13480 codes have several issued that can lead to under-estimation of sustained and expansion stresses, tee stresses, and bend flexibility factors when using pipe stress analysis software. Pipe stress engineers should know about these issues to avoid wrong and unsafe design. The review of these issues will be presented and how to manage them in piping stress analysis.

Several practical topics of pipe analysis

Several typical topic of piping stress analysis are review with “how to do” demonstration using of PASS software: 1. How to perform pipe stress analysis from water hammer loads 2. How to consider nozzle and vessel flexibilities during pipe stress analysis and check stresses in nozzle-vessel junction point 3. How to model equipment (storage tank, fired heater, pumps, compressors, turbines) 4. How to model buried/underground piping. What are restrained and unrestrained pipes? 5. Special situations: Modular Design, Tall Pipe Risers, Friction in cold state, how to avoid zero anchor loads from piping

Towards Climate neutrality: Energy sector roadmap

Scientific evidences show that climate change is one of the mayor problems that humanity has to face off today and in the following decades. According an annual assessment of the World Economic Forum, the more critical risks for the global economy are related to biodiversity loss, extreme weather events, water crisis, etc. all of them caused or increased by climate change. Why climate action is so necessary? Are we still on time to solve it? Humanity is preparing a coordinated answer to this problem based on the Paris Agreement adopted at COP 21 in December 2015. One hundred and eighty nine countries have ratified the agreement and, for the first time, all the countries have made a commitment to the common objective of limiting greenhouse gas emissions. What are the main outcomes of this agreement? What are the mechanisms to reach the goals? For its part, European Union has committed with climate neutrality by 2050, which is a higher climate ambition. European climate policies are linked to special budget allocation, but in the middle of them, we found Covid19 crisis and the Green Recovery strategy. Covid-19 has modify the investment roadmap. What is Green Recovery? Given the COVID crisis, is Climate change still important? Different technology solutions are immersed in a race of prices and technological development to provide solutions for the decarbonization of economy, and energy in particular. Big energy companies are taking their position in this transition period towards decarbonization. What are their targets? What technologies will be the vectors for energy transition? During the opening session of PEW20 workshop, we will speak about these, and others, relevant questions for the energy sector.

Trend in use of Non-Metallic Piping

The Global Non-Metallic Pipes Market is expected to grow by $ 22.56 bn during 2020-2024 progressing at a CAGR of 4% during the forecast period. The market is driven by the growing use in water supply projects and significant benefits offered by non-metallic pipes over metallic pipes. In addition, growing use in water supply projects is anticipated to boost the growth of the market as well. The non-metallic pipes market analysis includes product segment and geographical landscapes The non-metallic pipes market is segmented as below: By Product • PVC pipes • Concrete pipes • HDPE pipes • Reinforced composite pipes Increasing demand for non-metallic pipes in oil and gas industry as one of the prime reasons driving the non-metallic pipes market growth during the next few years. In principal, flow lines for water disposal and water reinjection is being widely used by exploration and upstream production. Downstream, the non-metallic keeps a very low profile for most industries except Petrochemicals with highly corrosive services. In Power, Cooling Water has largely implemented non-metallic piping systems. Follow us in this interesting trip to determined why, when and how these systems can or cannot be seen as an advantage for your project’ success, in the PEW 2020 edition.

Tutorial Diaphragm Compressors

A general description of the function of a diaphragm compressor is presented. The complete functioning is described by a video imbedded in the presentation. The importance and the necessity of oil pressure monitoring system is described.

Typical findings when controlling pipe supports on site.

Neither the use of the best pipe support, the best engineers and engineering practice, the highest level of material documentation and the most detailed procedural requirements to be submitted with the good, prevent all the different kind of mistakes during installation or “Maintenance” of pipe support. Therefore this presentation is intended to show the large variety of real life examples for typical pipe support findings, which are frequently seen on-site. It furthermore explains why these mistakes can have severe consequences for the save operation of the plant and it gives clear recommendations how to easily prevent most of them.

Vent Study. Why, how to do it and how to interpret the results

API 692 Imposes new requirements for performing vent studies on dry gas seal applications. This presentation will examine and explain the need for such vent studies, while also discussing the information required to conduct one. After briefly touching on basic techniques for creating a vent study, the talk will discuss how best to interpret the results, and potential solutions for problems highlighted by API 692 Vent studies.

When Digital Twin meets BIM

IDEA Digital Twin represents a new non-intrusive and fast implementation new Digital Twin-model, which can be adapted easily for any sector. This product, is the result of the development, carries out at the Oil&Gas plant of ILBOC (SK+Repsol) in Cartagena (Murcia). A project which won the 2019-Best Spanish Industrial Engineering Project. In this seminar, IDEA will show every detail about the project, even considering all the management and simulations features which can be implemented.

Workforce sizing and Project Manpower Planning

Project Overruns are usually related to failure in Manpower Planning for Multi-Discipline Projects Who does the manpower? Is it discipline manager related? Is it Project management related? Is the Piping Lead Engineer to provide the Man Power Plan or the Cost Engineer? What does the Planner do here then? What about the Schedule and Budget? What about delays? How do I justify the people needed? When do we do de-manning? When do we consider the Peak? When do I have to man-up to avoid infra burning hours? How do I protect hours? Many questions here. Getting a Piping and Plant Layout project completed on schedule depends on many activities, but in the end it is a Multi Discipline effort and if any delays have occurred, for whatever reasons, good manpower planning is the key to success. Join us in our PEW2020 to navigate the fundamentals of Piping Engineering Manpower planning, particularly for multi-discipline industrial type projects, and how overruns can be avoided.



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