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Pipe Stress Foundations

This course explores piping stress analysis, covering stress classification, values, intensification, support elements, thermal expansions, and analysis in sustained, operational, and occasional cases, culminating in a real analysis exercise.


LENGTH: 3 months

PRICE: 1500 €

About this course


The course covers piping stress analysis, including classification, admissible stress values, and stress intensification on accessories. It explores basic support elements, thermal expansions, and sustained case analysis. Further topics include operational case analysis, focusing on expansion loops, static equipment thermal expansion, operational piping systems, and flange leakage. Occasional case analysis is also addressed, concluding with a real analysis exercise.



Basic maths/physics


10 hours / week



What you will learn

  • Piping Stress Analysis
  • Piping stress Classification
  • Admissible stress values for sustained loads
  • Stress intensification coefficients on piping accessories
  • Basic piping support elements
  • Thermal expansions
  • Analysis of Piping Systems: Sustained Case
  • Analysis of Piping Systems: Operation Case
  • Analysis of lines on racks (expansion loops)
  • Thermal expansion on static equipments
  • Analysis of piping systems on operation case
  • Analysis of flange leakage
  • Analysis of Piping Systems: Occasional Case
  • Exercise: Piping System: Real Analysis

Frequent questions

When can I start the course?

You can start the course at any time during the year.

What type of certificate will I get?

You will receive a certificate issued by InIPED

What kind of study material will I have?

You will have some pre-recorded lectures, pdf files, self-assessment multiple-choice tests and a hands-on, practical assignments.

Will there be live lectures?

Yes. The student will meet with the instructor twice: once halfway through the course and another one at the end.



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